maandag 28 mei 2012

How to make your own Ukrainian Jeans / Український Джинс / украински панталони

For a school project I had to make a Jeans
I've chosen for a Ukrainian Jeans with the letters: Ukraine in Cyrillic
This is the result, U can use it for the EK Footbal which is in Ukraine.

пример, за фудбалот во Украина
пример, за Европското првенство во Украина
ова е мене во градина

 I've maked a photo shoot in the garden here are the results, on the right side of my jeans I made the Flag of Ukraine with textile paint.

This is the back pocket. Also the Ukrainian Flag, made alsof from Textile paint. It's simply to make, You only need Textile paint and paint brushes.

мојот грб џеб
This means Ukrainian in Ukrainian, Where they write Cyrillic. I've made it from another Jeans which i cut with a scissor. after that I painted a couple of letters and pasted it with glue on my jeans.

ова значи украински на украински

And Voila, You have your own Ukrainian jeans for example, the EK Football 2012 which is in Ukraine/Poland.

Мој украински панталони
лесно да се направи! со ткаенини боја и еден пар ножици
Исто така е можно со македонското знаме!

Жал ми е за мојот лош македонски!!!

Thankyou for watching! / Ти благодарам за гледање

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